Protect TerrAnoint Body Soul Roll-On
Consolidating the Core Self
Immunity involves both body and soul. It is essentially a process of filtration – the ability to discriminate and eliminate, as well as the ability to embrace and taste. By knowing what to exclude and include in our daily lifestyle, we consolidate the essential Core Self, contributing to both physical and psychic health. For many, these boundaries are porous and diffuse, one is not able to discern what makes one strong – whether it be environmental influences, lifestyle choices in eating, sleeping and living, thoughts and beliefs, or social and cultural factors. It is important to know how to source one’s Center, to be aware of what is true, health-imparting and sustaining. Often, this soul awareness needs to be cultivated through an interval of self-containment or retreat, in order to enter again into life, all the more vibrantly and purposively.
Consolidating the Core Self
Immunity involves both body and soul. It is essentially a process of filtration – the ability to discriminate and eliminate, as well as the ability to embrace and taste. By knowing what to exclude and include in our daily lifestyle, we consolidate the essential Core Self, contributing to both physical and psychic health. For many, these boundaries are porous and diffuse, one is not able to discern what makes one strong – whether it be environmental influences, lifestyle choices in eating, sleeping and living, thoughts and beliefs, or social and cultural factors. It is important to know how to source one’s Center, to be aware of what is true, health-imparting and sustaining. Often, this soul awareness needs to be cultivated through an interval of self-containment or retreat, in order to enter again into life, all the more vibrantly and purposively.
Consolidating the Core Self
Immunity involves both body and soul. It is essentially a process of filtration – the ability to discriminate and eliminate, as well as the ability to embrace and taste. By knowing what to exclude and include in our daily lifestyle, we consolidate the essential Core Self, contributing to both physical and psychic health. For many, these boundaries are porous and diffuse, one is not able to discern what makes one strong – whether it be environmental influences, lifestyle choices in eating, sleeping and living, thoughts and beliefs, or social and cultural factors. It is important to know how to source one’s Center, to be aware of what is true, health-imparting and sustaining. Often, this soul awareness needs to be cultivated through an interval of self-containment or retreat, in order to enter again into life, all the more vibrantly and purposively.