Blazing Star Flower Essence


Mentzelia laevicaulis
Positive qualities: Radiant and inwardly vital will forces; masculine soul forces developed from an inner foundation of nurturing life forces; alchemical union of feminine water and masculine fire soul elements
Patterns of imbalance: Predominance of water element in the body and emotions causing paralysis of the will; inability to catalyze soul fire; bifurcation of soul toward either a strong but rigid will or flowing but weak-feeling state

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Mentzelia laevicaulis
Positive qualities: Radiant and inwardly vital will forces; masculine soul forces developed from an inner foundation of nurturing life forces; alchemical union of feminine water and masculine fire soul elements
Patterns of imbalance: Predominance of water element in the body and emotions causing paralysis of the will; inability to catalyze soul fire; bifurcation of soul toward either a strong but rigid will or flowing but weak-feeling state

Mentzelia laevicaulis
Positive qualities: Radiant and inwardly vital will forces; masculine soul forces developed from an inner foundation of nurturing life forces; alchemical union of feminine water and masculine fire soul elements
Patterns of imbalance: Predominance of water element in the body and emotions causing paralysis of the will; inability to catalyze soul fire; bifurcation of soul toward either a strong but rigid will or flowing but weak-feeling state

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